Motor Vehicle Accident Nutrition Programs
Following the trauma of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) is a time when the body and brain’s demands for specific nutrients are at their highest. To support a person’s rehabilitation and recovery it is important to start with the basic fundamentals, which is proper nutrition.
Unfortunately, this is often over looked. Hectic rehabilitation schedules, pain, fatigue, cognitive and behavioral problems as well as changes in digestion and appetite can and often do interfere with a person’s ability to get proper nutrition.
Overall, poor nutrition can impact the body’s ability to repair itself, lead to nutrient deficiencies and exacerbate their MVA- related symptoms. Ignoring improper nutritional practices during rehabilitation will not only impede the client’s progress but possibly facilitate further health and medical complications.

It is important to focus on individualised nutrition programs that are tailored to a clients cultural and social needs, medical condition, as well as their emotional, physical and cognitive abilities. Providing nutrition intervention at a pace that is conducive the clients abilities is crucial to optimise their success and to ensure changes to their diet can be sustained over the long term.
Implementing a generalized meal plan not only reduces the effectiveness of all rehabilitation efforts, but can lead the individual into poor nutritional practices, client frustrations, poor follow through and further risks of disease and health complications.
Koru Nutrition has been working with clients and their rehabilitation teams, lawyers and insurance adjusters for over 10 years and are experienced in working with both catastrophic and non-catastrophic files.
Why is Koru Nutrition so effective in MVA recovery?
- We provide individualized, evidence-based nutrition programs that cater to the specific needs of the client
- Our nutrition experts work within the clients capabilities and sensitive to the client’s specific cultural, cognitive, physical, financial and environmental challenges
- Koru Nutrition has access to the latest research, training and knowledge
- We provide outcome measures, baselines and tools to assess and track progress over time
- Our staff complete comprehensive, well referenced, medical legal reports
- We are knowledgeable on the SABS, and complete the appropriate insurance forms and are set up on Hcai with a high approval rate
- Koru Nutrition works with the client, family and rehabilitation team to achieve ultimate success and results with their nutrition programs
- Our services available in person and online
- We provide individualized, evidence based nutrition programs that cater to the specific needs of the client
- Work within the clients capabilities and sensitive to the clients specific cultural, cognitive, physical, financial and environmental challenges
- Work with the client, family and rehabilitation team to achieve ultimate success and results with their nutrition programs
- Provide outcome measures, baselines and tools to assess and track progress over time
- Complete comprehensive, well referenced medical legal reports
- Knowledgeable on the SABS, completes the appropriate insurance forms and is set up on Hcai with a high approval rate
- Access to the latest research, training and knowledge
- Services available in person and online

Providing Nutrition Solutions for:
- Brain Injury
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Chronic Pain
- Bowel and Bladder Issues
- Depression, Anxiety and PTSD
- Pressure Sores and Wound Healing
- Digestive Issues
- Migraines and Headaches
- Adrenal Fatigue and Stress
- Weight Management
- Fatigue and Sleep Issues
- Behavioral Problems

Nutrition Services can include:
- Comprehensive body composition testing
- Computerized analysis of their food journals
- Individualized counselling sessions in their home or online
- Hands on cooking demonstrations with the client (and if needed with their family members and support workers)
- Grocery shopping tour with client and family members or support worker
- Supplement programs
- Participate in case conferences as required