Reclaim Your Happiness
Do you or your loved one or client struggle with the following…
- Feeling overwhelmed and stressed and weighed down by everyday tasks.
- Poor sleep and struggle to get up and going in the morning.
- Not having the energy to get through the basic tasks of day-to-day life.
- Struggle to get joy from activities that normally you would have.
- Feel like you have no control over life, feel helpless and hopeless.
- Not being able to be the best version of yourself and feel you are unable fulfill the needs of those that you love.
- Feeling low, sad, angry, frustrated or flat.
Then, Reclaim Your Happiness
may be the program for you!

What is Reclaim your Happiness Program?
This is an online nutrition and depression program that provides evidence-based diet and lifestyle recommendations and strategies that have been proven to help prevent, address, manage and in some cases even eliminate depression.
This program helps to breakdown a number of underlying causes of depression that often get overlooked and provide a number of dietary, supplements and lifestyle strategies that can be implemented.

- People struggling with low mood and depression.
- If you are a family member or parent with a spouse, teenager, or child that struggles with depression.
- For people that have struggled with addressing their mental health through conventional methods or would like to find additional supports/treatment options in conjunction with their conventional methods.
- Health professionals such as nutritionists, dietitians, naturopath doctors, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, and doctors that work with individuals that struggle with depression.

5 modules with a workbook for each and each session includes a video, handout with action plan, motivational quotes, fun questionnaires and work sheets.
Plus, get over 50 best tasting, happiness making recipes!
Understanding Depression
Module 1

Learn More
- Understanding Depression
- The Gut-Brain Connection
- Inflammation and Food Allergies
- Why Anti-depressants don’t always work?
- Lifestyle Strategy: Laughter Therapy
Psychology of Eating
Module 2

Learn More
- How to Boost Motivation Naturally
- Managing food cravings
- Power of Food and Mood
- Lifestyle Strategy: Positive Mindset
Module 3

Learn More
- Protein
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
- Sugar and Blood Sugar Balance
- Lifestyle Strategy: Importance of Sleep
Module 4

Learn More
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Herbs and Other Nutrients
- Why Take Supplements?
- Lifestyle strategy: Power of Connection
Putting it All Together
Module 5

Learn More
- Practical Strategies for Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping
- Best Beverages
- Recipe Book and Meal Plan
- Lifestyle Strategy: Exercise
“My mission is that eating healthy to support your mood is going to be easy, realistic, practical, and of course delicious!”

- Identify underlying causes that might not have been considered before.
- Determine what blood work needs to be done that could be impacting your mood.
- Explore certain nutrients that could help enhance your antidepressant medication.
- Identify certain nutrients that might be helpful if you are finding anti-depressant mediations are not working.
- Practical strategies on how to plan and prepare meals when struggling with fatigue, low mood and low motivation.
- Learn about how to boost dopamine our “motivation” neurotransmitter through diet and life style to help give you that get up and go.
- Understanding how the bacteria in our gut can help influence are mood and how to support the gut to better address depression.
- Learn about 3 specific amino acids that are critical for boosting mood and motivation.
- Plus, so much more!
Work through the lessons at your own pace, so you have time to incorporate the recommendations from the lesson. There is no time limit and no rush! In fact it is better if you take your time.

I feel that taking wheat out of my diet has helped my digestive system and it feels way better. I no longer have stomach issues or heartburn. It so easy to make the changes as the new food and meals are so delicious that I don’t miss the bad food that I used to eat. I no longer have cravings for pastries and sweets even though you have given me a lot of great treat options that more than satisfy me if I do want something sweet.
“I get easily overwhelmed but I found the information provided was interesting, factual and easy to absorb and implement.”
Since changing my diet I have more energy, less pain and better sleep. I have less stiffness in the morning, and my bloating has gone. I have more motivation, my mood is better and I can snap out of my low mood quicker. I am less angry and love that I now know so much more about how to take better care of myself and my mood.