Koru Blog
Cortisol: The Stress Response Hormone that Can Cause Havoc in the Body
Believe it or not, we all need some stress in our lives. Stress is healthy and necessary. It’s...
Can Gut Health Impact Mental Health?
It may be hard to comprehend that our gut has anything to do with our emotions. But, there is...
How Nutrition Can Support Individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs as the result of a traumatic event such as a motor...
Top 4 Nutrition Strategies Aggression and Defiant Behaviors in Children
In this day in age, the prevalence of behavioral and mood problems in children have come an...
Autism & the Low-Salicylate Diet
Phenol is a type of organic compound that can be found in food or can be man-made from petroleum...
8 Ways to Boost Motivation, Naturally
Our ability to initiate, engage in, and complete activities is an important part of participating...