A naturopathic doctor’s consultation is based on an hourly rate. A first visit is often 1 – 1½ hours in length. Naturopath doctor costs vary and many have switched to virtual consults following covid and have maintained their virtual practise. This will limit their ability to perform some of the ND role such as acupuncture but allows services to potentially be more cost effective.
When developing an individualized fee guide, Ontario Naturopathic Doctors need to be mindful of the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO) Standard of Practice: Fees and Billing. This Standard outlines that fees should “not be excessive in relation to the services proposed and are an accurate reflection of the services provided to each patient”.
In a initial consult the Naturopathic Doctor will comprise a full history of the presenting issues, review any documentation provided, collect a detailed inquiry concerning the person’s complaints and detailed examination of the affected part, region or system as required to: a) arrive at a diagnosis, b) complete an appropriate record of findings c) advise the patient on course of treatment; and d) where appropriate, refer the patient for other health care.
In researching the initial Naturopathic Doctor assessments can range $250 up to $450 and more likely higher if this is a in clinic consult versus a virtual one, although this might not be the case especially if they offer a specialty.
The last fee guidelines that came out for Naturopath Doctors was by the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors in 2016. In this guideline it indicated that initial assessments would usually cost between $160-$240. Given that we are now in 2023 (7 years later) assessments being charged between $250 and $450 is reasonable.
Follow up sessions will vary as well from anywhere between $150 to $250 for 45-60 minutes. The Fee guidelines which were last provided in 2016 indicated that 1 hour follow up sessions to be between $135 to $185. So current market rates of $150-$250 is considered reasonable.
Is Naturopath doctors covered by insurance?
Most extended health insurance plans in Canada cover naturopathic treatments, especially now that Naturopath Doctors are regulated health professionals. Insured patients are encouraged to contact their employer or individual insurance brokers to determine if they are covered and/or to request that their policy be extended to include naturopathic services if it does not already do so. Other health benefit plans tend to have flexi plans where they have a certain amount of funds that could go towards alternate health care and the person can choose which health professional they would like to use that money.
Are Naturopath Doctors working in the Auto Sector?
It is rare to find Naturopath doctors that are set up on Hcai and that can complete their own treatment plans. Although Naturopathic Doctors are regulated health professionals they are unable to sign off on the OCF 18’s so this needs to be coordinated by a third party. Naturopath doctors are being covered and approved in the auto sector. Although the FSCO fee guidelines do not have ND’s listed, the adjuster will sometimes question the rate and drop it to a non regulated health professional even though they are a regulated health professional. The nonregulated rate is significantly below market rates for a naturopathic doctor and when this occurs the ND can not proceed with the treatment plan.
If you are interested in a naturopath doctor consult please book in with Dr. Oliva Chubey or Dr. Karm Hans using our online booking site https://korunutrition.janeapp.com/
If you want more information on what or how a naturopath doctor can help you please reach out to Kylie at [email protected] or call 1 (855) 386-KORU (5678) ex 801. We want to help you and are hear to listen.